What research is going on into the field of Microbial Influenced Corrosion?

There are several scientific initiatives promoting research on Microbial Influenced corrosion. Frontiers in Microbiological Chemistry and Geomicrobiology will devote a full issue to the mechanisms of Microbial Influenced Corrosion. An thereby aims to provide a comprehensive overview on the most recent MIC developments.

All over the world, the cost of MIC damage can reach up to 40% of the total cost of corrosion (GDP units), and when the countermeasures are included, the costs in terms of economic and ecologic impacts could be much greater. In recent years, mechanistic studies on MIC have put greater emphasis on electron exchange promoted by bacteria than on the chemistry involved like Electrical MIC  also referred to as EMIC versus Chemical MIC referred to as CMIC. A multitude of microorganisms have been demonstrated to be actively involved in corrosion, as well as, in some cases, its inhibition. The goal of this issue from Frontiers in microbiology is to collect ongoing research focused on:

  • The understanding of the mechanisms involved in microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) of metals
  • An improved view and better understanding of biological detoriation processes in polymers applied as coatings. With materials like high density polyethylene (HDPE) and low density polyethylene (LDPE)
  • A better understanding about mechanisms involved in the deotriation of alloys and inhibition.
  • And much more, that you can read on their website

Well known MIC focussed scientists along the world are contributing to this issue, like for instance Dr. Reza Javaherdashti, Pierangela Cristiani, Régine Basséguy and Laura Lizeth Machuca.

Read more on their website

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