These are so-called study credit hours that you have to make in addition to your professional work-related hours. This has become a strict requirement in order to maintain your CP, CIP or any other certificate from organisations such as Frosio and AMPP.
How many hours are required, differs per organisation and per certificate. As of 15 August 2021, AMPP (NACE) CIP COATING INSPECTORS, for example, it became required to indicate these hours in your Certification/Credential Renewal Process. It is important to be aware that all certificates have a requirement to undertake professional development hours.
The idea behind this is that the field is continuously developing and that you need to absorb new knowledge to retain your certificate. After all, the world is constantly changing. Think of new insights in the field of corrosion processes. And the corrosion protection industry is developing new solutions.
What falls under the definition of Professional development hours?

Every organisation has its own requirements for these hours, but in general the following activities can be considered Professional Development Hours:
- Visits to trade fairs and symposia
- Hours spent on technical committees, for example, for the development of technical standards.
- Following tutorials and workshops
- Technical committee service
- Technical meeting attendence
- Technical paper or Authorship
- Study of corrosion-related papers
- Training offered by equipment manufacturers
- Tutorials, seminars and workshops
Currently, most certification organisations have the ability to upload substantiation of followed hours through a portal.

It is important to be able to provide some sort of evidence about the PDH followed. Although this isn’t required to be uploaded through the portal. This can be a letter of attendence, a certificate, a picture, video or other media file that can proof the activity.
Do the master classes offered by Corrosion Alliance also fall under the definition of Professional development hours (PDH)?
Yes, our MIC masterclasses meets the definition of tutorials and Workshops and can therefore be counted as PDH.
Our instructors are passionate about their specialties and helping you achieve your career objectives. They have gone through a long process to become an instructor. Once they are approved to teach, they have to pass quality assessments, maintain their associated certifications, and attend ongoing professional development. This way, you learn from the most knowledgeable and qualified authorities in the field. Our instructors combine comprehensive masterclass content with their unique professional experiences and insights to help you reach your goals. You can see short video introductions from our experts.
How many Professional Development Hours (PDH) do you have to follow?
The number of hours depends on the specific certificate. Some examples for AMPP:
Level 1: 8 PDH for each 3 years
Level 2: 12 PDH for each 3 years
Level 3: 20 PDH for each 3 years
Level 1: 8 PDH per for each 3 years
Level 2: 12 PDH per for each 3 years
Level 3: 20 PDH per for each 3 years
How much PDH do you receive for participation at Masterclasses from Corrosion Alliance?
The spend hours equal the amount of PDH that you will receive. You can track the total amount of PDH in your own account.
Be aware that you need to plan a digital meeting with one of our experts, to have an oral exam of the masterclass you have followed.