EUROCORR 28th August – 1st September 2022, Berlin/Germany

EUROCORR is the annual conference from the European federation of corrosion and is hosted this year at Berlin. Due to the pandemic consequences, it wasn’t feasible to bring everyone together for this conference. 2022 however, will promise us a packed programme with many interesting presentations and sessions.

Also several other events are planned around the EUROCORR event such as the EuroMIC COST conference the week before and the EFC summerschool on microbial influenced Corrosion.

Be aware that this years conference will not offer the possibility to attend digitally. You need to be physically present to participate.

Corrosion Alliance will be present during the conference with experts around various topics.

#qPCR testing
#Hexavalent chromium
#surface roughness measurements

You can find more information about the EUROCORR conference on their website EUROCORR | Conference Programme.

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