Explanation of the ISO 8502 on surface cleanliness

This standard is covering all aspects related to the determination of contaminants that are required to removed before coating application. It is therefore titled: “Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products – Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness” It is a well known standard that serves as starting point for […]
Principles of Corrosion

Corrosion is defined as the deterioration of metal or concrete by chemical or electrochemical reaction resulting from exposure to weathering, moisture, chemicals or other agents in the environment in which it is placed. The result of corrosion Corrosion is an ever-present fact of life. It’s a relentless natural force of deterioration. Corrosion results in: Destruction […]
When do you need to rehabilitate a pipeline?

The rehabilitation of pipelines is in many cases forced upon operators by the fact that leaks occur (severe pitting) or extended general corrosion has been recognised on the steel surface. Various inspection techniques are applied generate information about the condition of the steel surface, such as: Intelligent PIG runs. This is an inspection robot, that […]
How to prepare a metallic surface before applying a coating?

A proper surface treatment is essential before you apply a coating. In many cases sand or grit blasting (abrasive blasting) is seen as the best method to prepare a metallic surface, to ensure a proper adhesion of the coating product to the surface. But did you know that most coatings fail due to improper adhesion […]
How to recognize MIC

The objective determination of MIC (microbially influenced corrosion) can only take place through a combination of analysis methods and techniques. Only a visual inspection of the morphology of the defect is insufficient. In practice, this single line of evidence is often taken as basis for a diagnosis to determine whether MIC can be appointed as […]
Are methanogens causing MIC corrosion?

The answer to this question is both yes and no. Metabolic products of methanogens can lead to a decrease in conductivity, thereby leading to a lower corrosion rate. But they can also enhance the corrosion process through several modes of action. Sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) are in general the first group of bacteria you think […]
Where can I find knowledge about MIC?

A lot of the applied knowledge about Microbial Influenced Corrosion (MIC) can be found within corrosion and corrosion prevention associations such as AMPP (former NACE and SSPC), EFC and ASTM. These are industry-oriented associations with many technical standards. Besides these technical standards, there is also a network of volunteers active within these associations who meet […]