Books about microbial influenced corrosion

Where can I find books about MIC (Microbiologically influenced corrosion)

It is a question that we hear quite frequently. There are quite a number of books available on the topic of Microbial influenced Corrosion (MIC). They are however not so easy to find on search and book sales platforms. Especially, when you don’t know the authors, it becomes quite a hassle. Especially, as you are not interested to learn everthing about microphones, but about the degradation processes through micro-organisms….

There are numerous authors, that have different backgrounds and are thereby approaching the topic from a different angle. You need to be aware that there is no scientific study that you can follow to become an expert. Familiar authors have backgrounds in chemistry, mettalurgy, biology, informatics and so on.

A lot of the knowledge about MIC is generated in the context of oil & gas production. Usually, technical processes closely related to the production of hydrocarbons in close proximity to the well (both on- and offshore). The approaches, methodologies and techniques can not always be copied to other types of assets, such as offshore wind production, drink water distribution, bridges.

Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion in the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry

Dr. Torben Lund Skovhus has written several books, usually together with other authors in the field. A book that is focused on the upstream oil and gas production facilities, is a book written by Dr. Skovhus and Dr. Jason Lee and Dr. Dennis Enning. All three authors have a scientific background related to microbiology. It is actually more fair to say that the above mentioned authors have coordinated the writing proces to assamble many researcher from to field and publish their most recent insights in the book. The book was first published in 2017 and is still a good basis to get a better understanding about mechanisms, techniques and protocols that can be applied for upstream production challenges around MIC.

Microbiological Sensors for the Drinking Water Industry

Another book that is written by Dr. Skovhus and Dr. Bo Højris is not that well known yet and deserves to be better appreciated by the industry. Within this book both authors have assembled a (mainly) Danish scientist to cover the interdisciplinary area of drinking water quality monitoring by microbiological sensors. It is edited and written by leading water professionals and experts, and binds together interests and competencies within sensing technology, system behavior, business needs, legislation, education, data handling, and intelligent response algorithms.

Failure Analysis of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (Microbes, Materials, and the Engineered Environment)

Many academics and commercial companies have started to push for a more integrated approach to diagnose material failures in assets due to MIC. Also DNV GL have published various asset management frameworks to underline the importance of an integrated and multidisciplinary approach on setting a proper diagnose to which extend micro-organisms have played a role in degradation processes of the material. Both editors ( Richard B. Eckert (Editor), Torben Lund Skovhus (Editor)) have a long history within the industry and collected various experts to explain which tools and methodologies can be used for doing a proper examination of material failures.

Microbial Bioinformatics in the Oil and Gas Industry: Applications to Reservoirs and Processes (Microbes, Materials, and the Engineered Environment)

Another book worth to mention is a book that focuses purely on one of the most recent techniques applied in oilfield microbiology: Next Generation Sequencing. This book more specifically handles the difficulties of generating a lot of microbial data and translating this information to useful pieces of the puzzle.

Dr. Reza Javaherdashti

Dr. Javaherdashti has published many different books. The one most often referred to is his general guide into the topic of Microbiologically influenced corrosion. It is typically a book that will provide you a comprehensive and easy to understand overview on the topic.

No time to read?

You don’t have the time to sit back and read through the literature? We are happy to help you with our short masterclasses that will back you up with the most urgent thinks you need to know around the topic Microbial Influenced Corrosion.

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