These tiny molecules are given an important role for our quest in having a flexible source for production, storage use of energy. During this meeting, the Norwegian producer Equinor, technology firm ENGIE, The German RWE and the Dutch Gas grid operator Gasunie signed an agreement to make the first steps to create a supply chain for Norwegian hydrogen to the European mainland. And exactly on this point we are getting back to the corrosion challenges. Like Gasunie, many asset owners are re-allocated pipeline to make them fit-for-purpose to transport hydrogen, amonia or other more carbon neutral energy carriers such as sustainable air fuels. Questions to how this affect the risks for Corrosion, are not fully answered. And for asset owners, we need be realistic. Although as a society we hope for a fast revolution, the real amounts of more sustainable molecules being transported today is very limited. Not an easy task for an asset owner to predict corrosion behaviour at a pipeline surface.
Corrosion Alliance presented their knowledge base at the wind meets gas conference at the 12th and 13th of October. A conference where European policy makers, institutes and the industry discussed the opportunities and challenges towards a greener future. A lot of the discussions focused on the development of the large scale European value chain for hydrogen.
Some facts on hydrogen
Did you know that you can’t see hydrogen burning? It’s also invisible to the naked eye, as carbon within the natural gas makes the flame visible. This isn’t present within hydrogen.

Hydrogen has a tedency to retract while burning? Much more compared to natural gas. How that sounds?
Within the Northern Netherlands, under the umbrella of the HyDelta project, an amazing number of studies took place about the technical compatibility of hydrogen to the existing gas grid. Also, if exisiting components, such as valves could handle hydrogen and the risks associated when you are working with Hydrogen.
Did you know that a lot of the results of these studies are available for you? You can download many of these studies about the technical feasibility of hydrogen at this page from HyDelta: