CrVI (6) presence found in 55% of the studied coating samples by a new testmethod

A new groundbreaking self-test method to detect hexavalent chromium in coating samples. The new solution solves the problem of false-negative and false-positive results. Primer coatings containing the carcinogenic chemical compound chromate (hexavalent chromium, CrVI) have been widely used since WWII. These coatings can be found on many different  substrates across many work areas or job […]

What is the TGG (MACC) for Cr-6 (hexavalent chromium)

The legal limit values for exposure to chromium-6 compounds were tightened in the Netherlands on 1 March2017 . New insights have shown that chromium-6 poses a greater risk of cancer than previously thought. Employers and employees will therefore have to make an extra effort to prevent exposure to chromium-6 compounds. Thelimit value for chromium-6 compounds […]

Chromate (hexavalent chromium, CrVI)

Coatings containing the carcinogenic chemical compound chromate (hexavalent chromium, CrVI). CrVI (6) presence found in 55% of the studied coating samples by a new test method. A new, groundbreaking self-test method to detect hexavalent chromium in coating samples. The new solution solves the problem of false-negative and false-positive results.  What is chromate (hexavalent chromium, CrVI)? […]

The Dutch Royal Air Force acknowledges the harmful effects of chromium-6

Today the Royal Dutch Airforce anounced that employees who have been exposed to chromium-6 receive compensation. KLM has established following an investigation that in recent decades, staff in aircraft, engine and component maintenance departments have been exposed to chromium-6. This is a carcinogenic metal that is found in some types of paint or coating. The […]

Why is chromium-6 used in coatings?

Coating systems in which chromium-6 is used have very good properties. As with many regular coating systems, coatings containing chromium-6 consist of an adhesive primer, a base (chromium-6 containing) primer and a topcoat. Chromium-6 compounds ensure that the coating is self-healing. As soon as mechanical damage occurs and the barium of both the topcoat and […]

10 situations in which you are exposed to chromium-6

Sanding of coated surfaces Abbrasive blasting, sandblasting, iceblasting, glass bead blasting, bristle blasting Spraying of paint containing chromium-6 Cutting and sawing of coated and/or stainless steel Grinding from coated areas or stainless steel Welding of coated surfaces or stainless steel Chromium plating of metal or plastic surfaces, where chromium-6 compounds are added and these are […]

Is chromium-6 (still) added to coatings?

Chromium-6 salts are a very good protection against corrosion as soon as coating damage occurs. It is therefore a good insurance policy for long-term protection against corrosive environmental conditions.There are still (many)industrial coatings available on the market in which chromium-6 salts have been added. Our estimate is that approximately 40% of the industrial coatings applied […]

Is chromium-6 dangerous?

As long as chromium-6 is kept in solid form, it is harmless. But as a dust particle, chromium-6 can cause a variety of disorders in the human body: Alergic and asmatic disorders, skin reactions, including ulcers and eczema, and with repeated exposure serious consequences such as lung cancer, cancer of the nose and sinuses. This […]