6 Myths About Chlorides, Salts and Coating performance
Six common myths are presented and analyzed for factual truth and understanding. The reader is cautioned to review articles and other presentations carefully to separate myth from fact. Many specifiers intermix the term “salt” and “chloride.” While most of the salts on metal or concretesurfaces are generally chloride salts, not all salts contain chloride. The […]
Is chromium-6 (still) added to coatings?
Chromium-6 salts are a very good protection against corrosion as soon as coating damage occurs. It is therefore a good insurance policy for long-term protection against corrosive environmental conditions.There are still (many)industrial coatings available on the market in which chromium-6 salts have been added. Our estimate is that approximately 40% of the industrial coatings applied […]
Is chromium-6 dangerous?
As long as chromium-6 is kept in solid form, it is harmless. But as a dust particle, chromium-6 can cause a variety of disorders in the human body: Alergic and asmatic disorders, skin reactions, including ulcers and eczema, and with repeated exposure serious consequences such as lung cancer, cancer of the nose and sinuses. This […]
How does Surface Profile Affect Paint Usage?
Due to extra surface area created by the surface profile and roughness with required peak coverage, extra paint is needed. A rule of thumb for the determination of the approximate extra paint to fill a SAND, GRIT or Bristle Blast profile is to multiply the peak to valley height (profile) times 0.5 and add this […]
The 3 most common damages of coatings during construction
In the construction phase, a lot of human activities are taking place around the pipeline. During the construction therefore, damages in the external coating system can easily occur. Employees walking over the pipes, construction tools can fall at the coating, during pipe laying in the ditch. You could think of many different scenarios that will […]
How to Measure Relative Humidity and Dew Point in the Field?
There are two basic methods of measuring Relative Humidity and Dew Point Temperatures in the field. These are addressed in ASTM E 337, Standard Method for Measuring Humidity with a Psychrometer (The measurement of Wet and Dry Bulb Temperatures). One is with a sling psychrometer and the second is with the newer electronic meters. The […]
Electronic Ambient Meters or Sling Psychrometers, what should I use?
It is strongly suggested that electronic meters are used instead of sling psychrometers. This ensures the highest accuracy. Nevertheless, sling psychrometer are still widely used in the field. We will guide you to properly use the sling Psychrometers and electronic meters. It is highly recommended to follow this procedure to minimize any errors. SLING PSYCHROMETER. […]
6 Considerations for coating rehabilitation
The selection of a suitable pipeline repair/replacement coating is from a technical point of view the major decision to be made for a rehabilitation project. Rehabilitation seeks to re-establish coating efficacy to its original state. This does not mean that the same coating must be used for rehabilitation; often more state-of-the-art coatings are employed. Current […]
When do you need to rehabilitate a pipeline?
The rehabilitation of pipelines is in many cases forced upon operators by the fact that leaks occur (severe pitting) or extended general corrosion has been recognised on the steel surface. Various inspection techniques are applied generate information about the condition of the steel surface, such as: Intelligent PIG runs. This is an inspection robot, that […]
The 5 Most important methods to measure external coating defects on pipelines (without excavation)
There are several above ground techniques with which it is suffucient to walk and measure coating defects over the entire lenght of the pipeline. A great advantage of these techniques is that you don’t need to perform destructive measurements or to excavate the pipeline. The 5 most common techniques are: Pearson technique Close Interval Potential […]